
Antivirus Performance Comparison

Security experts and consumers alike consider a variety of factors when choosing an antivirus software, aside from its security avastantivirusreview.com/a-foolproof-guide-to-swarthmore-vpn capabilities. Cost and system impact compatibility, usability, and personal opinions about a company’s practices can all be important factors that affect a person’s choice of an antivirus software.

Avira located in Germany is a fantastic choice for anyone looking for an antivirus suite that provides good test results. They also provide the option of billing monthly. Avira’s antivirus program is renowned for its high scores in all categories. It also offers a number useful extras like a password management tool. Avira’s scans have a light background effect and are not particularly resource-heavy. However, the speed drop is quite significant at 53 percent which is among the largest in our tests.

It’s difficult to determine the best free AV program because some of our top picks have some drawbacks. Kaspersky can slow down your computer by as much as 53% with its heavy background effect, whereas Avast is just a bit slower at 44 percent. On the other the other hand, Bitdefender has an excellent free version and a robust subscription-based AV solution, which has excellent independent lab scores. Its feature set includes a VPN and is extensive, which makes it stand out from the other alternatives.

F-Secure is the best-rated paid antivirus program. McAfee Total Protection and Trend Micro Internet Security are also highly rated. While Microsoft Defender, which is built right into Windows 10 and 11, has a comparatively light post-installation background effects at 9%, it’s also susceptible to massive slowdowns during full system scans.