
Data Safety Instructions

Data protection can decrease the threat of cyber-attacks that can negatively impact your company and reputation. It’s important to understand the best practices to protect your personal information and adhere to the guidelines. A breach of private information could lead to fines or lawsuits, which could have long-term consequences for you or your business.

Protect all files and devices by using a password. This simple step will stop hackers from gaining access to your data. Use complex passwords that combine letters, numbers, and symbols. Change default passwords supplied by vendors to stronger ones whenever you can. Make sure you update your antivirus software regularly and conduct a security scan on your server and computer.

Don’t send confidential or personal https://steviedavison.net/new-ideas-into-scanguard-never-before-revealed identifying information via email – This includes Social Security numbers, bank account information, passwords, etc. Email is not secure and can be intercepted by unfriendly parties.

Make sure your network and data are secure – Make sure your laptops, computers and portable storage devices are secured by using strong encryption when sending information to third party parties and to safeguard the information stored on these devices. It’s also crucial to have a strategy for responding to cyber attacks that includes who to notify and how to respond (e.g., employees customers, credit institutions, and employees).

Make sure you have a copy of all of your data. Store the offline copies in a separate location from the place where your primary copies are. This can prevent attackers from getting access to your primary copies or deleting them.