
Flexible Data Management Strategies

The daily creation of 2 zettabytes of data led to a variety of technology to better manage this data. From data fabric to data lakes the goal is to improve and streamline the management of data. These tools may be beneficial but they can make a mess of an environment that is already complicated. This is why a flexible approach to managing master data for products is vital.

The key to a flexible strategy for data management is identifying the requirements for computer data of your business. It’s essential to understand the data you have, what information you require, and what sources you’ll utilize to collect this data. It’s also important to consider how these requirements will change as time passes, and to make sure that your specific data management strategy is aligned with your business’s goals and objectives.

In the past, a common method of managing data from a product was How many votes does it take to pass a resolution to store it in a database. This method, commonly referred to as data warehousing, was effective in the past, but it’s now facing challenges in the present. Pigeonholing is one problem. Data is locked into one category and cannot be moved. It can be difficult to access data quickly, and many companies are shifting to an approach that is more flexible in managing the data of their products. This way, they can quickly adjust their data management to adapt to the needs of small business and requirements.