
How to Install Wi-Fi Signal Booster

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If you’re experiencing problems using devices that aren’t working, it may be time to install a WiFi signal booster. These devices can boost existing WiFi signals to help you get better speeds, and they’re simple to set up and use. You’ll need an WiFi router to connect to an outlet for power to connect it and the direction you wish it to be to point. Some boosters have extra features, like an USB port for charging your wireless devices.

How to Install an Signal Booster

A WiFi booster or range extender is a basic device that can be utilized anywhere with an internet connection. It connects wirelessly to your router. It receives the signal from your router and rebroadcasts it to an area nearby that allows you to connect to the network even in your basement or in your backyard. Make sure to place it in the middle of the area where the signal disappears and your router, and point it towards the area.

While a booster may increase internet speed However, it’s important to know that it does not enhance your internet provider’s provided speed. The speed you pay for is determined by your broadband service and not how far you are from an internet signal.

Another aspect to be aware of is that wireless fidelity signal transmissions can be severely impeded by water, which means that a fountain, aquarium, or even coffee or a cup of tea can weaken your signal. Keep the WiFi booster and cellular amplifier out of any water sources.