
The Benefits of a Virtual Data Room


Virtual data rooms (VDRs) are secure online environments that permit large volumes of confidential information to be shared beyond the firewall of a company. VDRs aid due diligence in M&A deals and bankruptcy proceedings, litigation, fundraising, audits – every situation where external parties are required to examine sensitive company data.

A great VDR can determine the success or failure of an agreement based upon how easy it is to use for all stakeholders. If the system has a steep learning curve and is difficult to master, it will be more difficult for users to upload files, save them, and manage them. This can slow the process and impede negotiations.

Effective data organization in a VDR is essential for easy access and effective collaboration. The ability to organize documents into folders or tags will aid users in finding information faster and more efficiently. Additionally, implementing features such as real-time commenting and annotations can speed up the pace of discussions.

The best VDRs offer granular document permissions that allow administrators to define access rules down to individual file level. This includes features such as redaction, which blacks out areas of a file so that personally-identifiable information remains private. The top VDRs also come with security certifications such as ISO 27001 and SOC 1/2/3. They could also be GDPR or HIPAA compliant. They should also support a variety of file formats, and be cross-platform compatible. This allows users to use a variety of devices and platforms.