
The Three Pillars of Data Security

Data security is the safeguarding of the systems and data belonging to an organization against the unauthorized access, modification, and use. This helps to avoid data breaches that can lead to business disruption, financial losses or compliance penalties, as well reputational damage. Modern approaches to data security consist of a combination of tools technologies and best practice that are based on three pillars: Confidentiality and Integrity.

Data security starts with an exhaustive inventory and mapping. This includes cataloging all the data stored in your data centers, network-attached storage, desktops, mobile devices and cloud services from third-party providers as well as software applications. It is also essential to take into account physical storage devices like external hard drives, USB sticks, and even deleted printed documents and documents. These are often neglected but could contain valuable confidential data. Cybercriminals can take advantage of this.

Once you’ve got a clear view of your data sets, you’ll have to classify sensitive information in order to know the location and where it is located within your infrastructure. This allows you to http://www.antiviruscompany.net/board-portals-let-companies-show-off-their-final-prospectus-before-they-offer-shares-on-the-market/ prioritize your security efforts by making sure that the most valuable information is protected, while less critical information is accessible. It also allows you to meet regulatory and industry requirements similar to those that apply to health care, finance and telecoms.